Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tacoma Tile Installer | Why You Should Consider One

We all know the state of the economy today. There isn't a lot of money left aside after the monthly bills, the savings for the college fund and retirement, and all the other things that pop up on a monthly basis. So, when you decide you need to tile the bathroom floor or tile the kitchen floor or do any tile floor installation or add that for your new granite counter top, it can be tempting to do it yourself. And I get that. But there are also some reasons why you might want to consider hiring someone to do it for you. And I'm going to tell them to you right now!

Your Time is Too Valuable to Waste Installing Tile

In today's world, we are all really busy. If you have kids you can just increase the busyness by a factor of ten. You have things that you want to do on your down time that don't involve manual labor, that don't involve being on your hands and knees for hours, and that don't involve getting dirty. And with tile installation, you're going to run into all of those things.

To put it into perspective for you, even though I'm a Tacoma tile installer, when I need my oil changed, even though I could do it myself, I take it to the oil change place to get it done. Why do I do this? Simple. It's a dirty job, it's not fun, I want it done right, and while my oil is getting changed I can use that time to do other things I need or want to do. Simple as that.

A Tile Installer Will do the Job Right the First Time

Tile can be a pretty expensive purchase. Even if you go with really cheap tile, you're typically talking in the dollar per square foot area. With something that pricey, it makes sense to want to do it right the first time. Having to rip up a tile floor is no fun, whether it was because the floor wasn't level or the thin set wasn't set up properly.

With a you can rest easy knowing that job will be done right. And, even better, you can rest easy knowing that if there is a mistake, it isn't your time and money that will be wasted (at least with us - we guarantee our work, every day, every time). We stand behind our work and have no problem telling you we're the best around.

And again, to take it back to myself. Even though I'm great with tile, and with some other things, one thing I'm not good at is cars. I just never got into them when I was a kid. Because of that, my knowledge of cars isn't that great. Now, I could rebuild a carburetor if I absolutely had to, and it would probably work, but I know that someone that does that for a living could do it faster and better than I could - their expertise is greater simply because that's what they do.

We Hope You Consider Us for Your Next Tile Installation Job

If you need tile laid, we're the people for you. We're licensed and bonded, we're experienced, we take pride in our work, and we guarantee your satisfaction. Please call us today for an estimate to see if we're the right fit for you.

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